B2 Archives.

I got a comment from Sansom asking about my archives page.
Well it’s a hack of Dodo’s hack. You can get it b2archives.php here. If I remember correctly, I simply added the cat_name column to the query, then did a check for the column value changing in the output loop. The other thing I did was to plug Dodo’s changes back into the latest version of b2archives.php. Anyway check the code and you’ll see what I mean.

Aaah! Kids

I was up at 5:30 this morning after Jamie got into our bed around 3am. After a couple of hours of knees in my back and elbows in my neck, I called it quits and got out of bed!

Holidays and Moving Targets

I’ve just spent a pleasant evening with Steve telling us funny tales from his holiday in Crete. Steve and Graham both arrived back from a two week holiday in Crete with their families.
At work things have slowed down on project Dandy. Data structures have been fluctuating for the last few days just at the point when I need them to be finalised. I need to write wrappers around these things and it’s very difficult when things are changing almost every day.

I Passed!

Yahoo! I passed my Java Certified Programmer Exam today. Go me! I got 81% which is, apparently, well above average.
It was a lot harder than I was expecting. Even some of the questions on the basic stuff required a lot of thought. In comparison every practice exam was much easier. Something to be aware of if you’re taking it yourself. Still I got the highest score today, and fourth or fifth highest of all from work who have taken it so far.