Go Me!

Wow, it is now six months! since I last smoked a cigarette. I feel quite pleased with myself about that. Of course, Jan has not smoked for a month or so more.


Oh no! It seems emails to (one of) my zed1.com account(s) have been bouncing because I had exceeded my quota. I didn’t even know I had a quota! (at least one which wasn’t included in my hosting quota) but I do. It is 50MB and yes, it was full. I have managed to delete all the virus/worm generated emails with binary payloads and released over 40MB of space. Ouch! that’s a lot of mail!
So if anyone has sent me email to my personal zed1.com account in the last 24 48 hours you may want to send it again.

A List Apart and Sexy Sliding Doors

I’m a little slow with the news, but version 3.0 of A List Apart has just gone live. It features a completely new look, standards compliant of course, a selection of XML feeds and a fabulous article on a sexy new UI technique: Douglas Bowman’s Sliding Doors Method.

Image-driven, visually compelling user interfaces. Text-based, semantic markup. Now you can have both! Douglas Bowman’s sliding doors method of CSS design offers sophisticated graphics that squash and stretch while delivering meaningful XHTML text. Have your cake and eat it, too!


Long Time No Blog

It’s been a while, but I am still here! I’ve been pretty busy at work and I’ve been spending less time on the PC at home. Plus I’ve just not been in the mood 😉
In brief, I’ve still got a long list of books I want to mention. I’m still tweaking my WordPress installation here. Work has been busy but not too stressful. I’m still cycling 50 miles a week, but the old waistline is not reducing 🙁
Things are moving again on the WordPress development front, we have a new member on board (that makes three Mikes and a Michel), and the buzz at the moment is comment spamming and it’s prevention.
I’m sure there are a million other things I could write about but it’s late now, so I’m off to bed.

Later days…