Google’s IPO

It had to happen, they couldn’t seem to hold off for much longer. The BBC has the story Google to sell $2.7bn in shares, so does Slashdot: Google Files for IPO. Interestingly Google’s own press center is not yet carrying the story.

I only hope that what they are offering is not the majority of the company, that is, I hope that Sergey and Larry retain absolute control. Somehow I doubt that! I think it would be very unusual.

There has been a lot of speculation about what a majority third party shareholder interest in Google will do to the value of it’s search results. I think that matters less than it did. They know they have been losing market share in the search engine arena and quite rapidly in recent months. I believe they have started to diversify and will continue to do so. If they can get it right (and that is a big ‘if’) GMail will be a killer app. And I think with all the specialized search engine and AI companies they have been buying they have something stunningly clever up their collective sleeves.

We’ll just have to wait and see.

update: Wow! I was wrong to doubt. It looks like Google will be bucking the trend and retaining absolute control within the company. This article at Wired More Reasons to Love Google has the info and much more besides. From page two of the article:

A dual class stock structure will keep control of Google in the hands of its founders.

One Million!

Sometime in the night, my simple page view counter passed the 1 million mark! That’s since 25/08/2002. I cannot be bothered working out how many days that is but I’m impressed!

My real people visitor counter (as opposed to the page view counter which counts bots and crawlers and refreshes, etc.) also passed the 70,000 mark last night. That counter is a count of real visits by people (or at least web browsers running JavaScript) and has been going since April last year (though I recently lost 15 days worth of stats in my server problems).

One year Smoke Free

Wow! It has now been one year since I smoked a cigarette. I feel really quite proud of myself.
I know lots of other people have given up (Jan has been smoke free for about 6 weeks more than me), and lots more will do so, but I really wasn’t sure I could do it after more than one failed attempt in the past.
So, that’s no alcohol and now no cigarettes making Mike a dull boy! 🙂

Happy Second Birthday Journalized

Wow! I can hardly believe it but Journalized is two years old! Especially has it has been negelected for a large part of the last 12 months 🙁 I am slowly getting into a state where I feel I can write here again.
In celebration there is now a ‘two years ago’ section on the left!

Twelve months ago:

  • Matt and I were working on WordPress but had not released anything. There has been incredible progress since then.
  • I was having trouble with my new hosting service for No change there then: just this month I have dumped that service for another!
  • and my simple page counter had just passed the 250,000 mark. I think it will pass the 1 million mark before the end of this month!

‘Baaah’ — 23rd Page

I wasn’t going to, but I couldn’t resist! The instructions are:

  1. Grab the nearest book.
  2. Open the book to page 23.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the text of the sentence on your blog along with these instructions.

Here’s mine:

There were enough exiles, it was reckoned, to support a journal in any one of these languages, not to mention the new floods that were coming in every week.

Does anyone recognise the book? It is not the one I am reading now, but the one I finished yesterday. Yes, I know that doesn’t help.
Hat tip to Matt

Oh Dear, Oh Dear

Sun Enters Microsoft’s Orbit

Struggling Sun Microsystems reached a sweeping, $1.6 billion settlement with Microsoft and said Friday it plans to cooperate with its longtime nemesis, a company it had branded an unrepentant monopolist

Although I’d hardly call the agreement entering their orbit. More like agreeing to stop fighting.

“Our companies will continue to compete hard, but this agreement creates a new basis for cooperation that will benefit the customers of both companies,” said Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s chief executive officer.

This, however, is beyond my comprehension:

Sun, once a shining star of Silicon Valley, also said it expects revenue for the quarter ended March 28 to be approximately $2.65 billion. The net loss will be between $750 million and $810 million, or 23 cents to 25 cents per share.

How can you take $2.65 billion in a quarter and still lose money?