Legendary radio DJ John Peel dies

Yesterday, John Peel – longest serving Radio 1 DJ and musical hero of mine – died suddenly in Peru. The BBC have several stories:

He had a huge impact on my musical tastes, introducing me to a diverse range of music. A range which I still continue to enjoy today.
Back when I used to listen to his show religiously, I was in the fortunate position of being able to help, in my own small way, promote some of the bands he championed. I worked in a record shop in the late 70’s early 80’s, and used to try to stock anything that Peel played that I liked.
I went on to get involved in working with new and independent bands firstly on stage and promoting shows, and later in studios, and working with video and early computers!

His loss to the world of music his huge. But my deepest sympathy goes out to his wife and children.

Gmail does draft!

I’ve just noticed Gmail now has a save as draft option. It’s appeared in the last couple of hours. It was definitely something I was waiting for. It’s another step in the right direction.
Other new stuff: the contacts have moved into the main browser window rather than being a popup. They now appear more like the mail folder interface, though the division is purely ‘frequently mailed’ or all contacts, I think that is too crude to be useful, I prefered the alphabetic links. There is a search which looks in the notes as well as name and email.
Another change is that the “Invite x friends to Gmail” link has disappeared back below the fold (or at least it is if you have a lot of labels). Which I think is a step backwards.

Update: The contact info can now include a good assortment of extra info like telephone numbers, addresses, IM, copany, etc. And in multpiple ‘sets’ like home, work, etc. Groovy. I wonder if import contacts will populate those new fields if they are present in the import…

Another Update:You can now do forwarding! Under settings you can “Forward a copy of incoming mail to [emailaddress]” and optionally put a copy in your gmail inbox, archive or trash. And you can do it in a filter.